I Don’t Care, So Let Me Go Home! ZCompleted Translations

I Don’t Care, So Let Me Go Home! x Background Setting (6)

The Chief Magician: The moment he heard the Heavenly Eye Dragon appeared at the protagonist’s territory, the Knight Commander tried to raid the place, but he was stopped. He had too much fun and destroyed a part of the Royal Palace at that time, so he’s currently fixing it. He wanted to talk to the protagonist as soon as he can!

The High Priest: With the appearance of a huge Dragon, the Royal Capital’s populace sought God’s salvation out of fear, so he’s responding to that. He, too, wanted to talk to the protagonist as soon as he can!

Protagonist (Rururia): Why am I here? I didn’t get to have my second sleep, and just as I tried to escape from the Royal Capital, I’ve been brought back! I want to go home!

It’s easy, this time because Sara-chan is with me! …Can Sara-chan be with me every time? Ah, sorry. From now on, I’ll do my best on my own, so stop making that face!

Sara: Taking the opportunity while Irene-sama’s followers are busy with the Dragon Knight fiasco, they went and had a tea party. She doesn’t necessarily think Irene was a hundred percent foreigner, but she’s quite lucky to learn surprising facts while stirring things up and teasing the dark figure. Lately, she’s been into the interests of Ria, so she’s opening her horizons, and upon peeking into its structure, she’s thinking about it rather seriously.
