The Death of Princess Charlotte Translation

7.2 Charlotte: Chapter 2, Episode 1

“What do you think should be done to increase the literacy rate?”

“Literacy rate?”

“The disparities caused by poverty are difficult to close. Even for countries striving to improve, there are a significant number of commoners who can neither read nor write. Being born into poverty will result in a difference in education, one that will only further widen the gap in the future. Poverty can’t be outrun indefinitely.”

Negative chain.

It didn’t only stem from the people themselves, but also because of the inadequacy of national policies.

Magical instruments made life convenient. However, if the goal was to solve fundamental poverty, magic alone would not suffice.

Education was a major issue in the Kingdom of Lymore as well.

“As we focus on education, our ultimate goal is to make it compulsory. Knowing as we do that labor brings significant risks to a developing child’s body, we endeavor to create an environment where there are equal opportunities for all children to receive education, but…”

That was a policy that Frederick was particularly focused on, and support for children in the Kingdom of Lymore was expanding. Nevertheless, although the number of schools for commoners was increasing, the number of children attending hadn’t reached the desired level.

“If working children devote time to studying, it will directly affect their daily lives and they’ll immediately impact them negatively. Therefore, making it compulsory from the onset isn’t the correct option. We’re considering ways to gradually implement a system that will lessen the impact of children not going to work.”

“Precisely. Knowledge isn’t something that can be acquired immediately, so it takes time before it becomes useful. For people who’re struggling to put food on the table every day, it’s more realistic and necessary to work and earn a living in order to survive.”

Struggling to put food on the table…

As a member of the royal family, Charlotte enjoyed a luxurious environment. That wasn’t something she could relate to. Nevertheless, that struggle was very much real.

Some people struggled to make ends meet. Although their numbers had certainly decreased during Frederick’s reign, they hadn’t completely disappeared. Suddenly forcing those people to study instead of working would be cruel. If the government were to force them to attend school without taking their situations into account, the current royal family would be no different from its predecessors who levied taxes on the people just to fund their own extravagant lifestyle.

“Leaving aside the fact that we need to change their mindset, locating sources for funding is also an issue. We can’t charge those in need expensive tuition fees. This makes management difficult.”

“If we remain half-hearted about it, nothing will ever change.”

Charlotte, who’d been staring at the notebook, looked up. The look on Ethelbert’s face as he stared at her was exactly that of a politician.

“Children are a national treasure. Hesitating to invest in them is tantamount to a decline in the country.”

Frederick also shared the same sentiments.

That man, who showed differential treatment to his own children, advocated for children’s rights.

“I think so too.”

She had no respect for Frederick.

However, she had to admit that he had more than enough qualities to be the king of a country. In terms of individual ability, claiming no one else could surpass him, in that country at the very least, wouldn’t have been an exaggeration.

For that reason, the people respected him to the point of worship, putting his successor under enormous pressure.

Charlotte had to deliver without fail.

“Even if there was leeway in the budget, we wish to cut what we can, keep spending as low as possible, and use what is saved for other matters. It’s a serious crime for politicians to waste tax money. Increasing the number of educational institutions is meaningless if the number of students remains below threshold. We need to come up with an incentive to prevent that from happening—…”

The solution to the issue at hand might be to create short-terms benefits. Instead of a vague hope that the education may come into use someday, they had to provide realistic, easy-to-understand, and immediate hope for daily survival.

In this way, we’ll bring about a slow and steady change in the public’s mindset.

Just as she was deep in thought, she felt someone’s gaze on her and looked up. Ethelbert stared at her as he rested his chin on the table.

“W-what’s the matter?”

“Oh, sorry, I did it without thinking.”

A smile appeared on his handsome features as he apologized.

“You’re doing really well, and I’d like to learn from you.”

I’m doing really well…

For the first time in her life, those words were directed at her. He wasn’t just being nice, either. She could tell that he was sincerely complimenting her.

Those words were only ever spoken to Juliet and never to Charlotte, so she was unable to comprehend them at first. She ruminated and contemplated those words.

“…You’re exaggerating. Isn’t His Highness Ethelbert always diligent in his studies?”

Although she had received a strict education as a princess, in a situation so unfamiliar to her, Charlotte couldn’t hide the confusion that was apparent in her eyes. She turned to the notebook on the table, as if looking for a place to hide.

When Charlotte entered that room, Ethelbert had cleared the table. Yet, the evidence of his study remained.

Ethelbert was an international student in the university division, so they had never attended the same lecture. However, when he laid out the issue to Charlotte, it felt as if he was making a judgment based on situations he had experience many times rather than recounting someone else’s account.

Ethelbert stared at Charlotte curiously.

In order to answer the implicit question, Charlotte continued.

“This isn’t our first meeting. I have seen Your Highness in the library a few times. You seemed very focused, so I didn’t dare to interrupt.”

It was in a semi-private space exclusive for the royal family. Since Ethelbert was also royalty, he was naturally qualified to use it.

The purpose of use might have varied depending on the occasion, such as simply wanting to read a book, but in Charlotte’s case entered in search of solitude.

Charlotte, who was in a similar position and always in the spotlight, concluded that Ethelbert had similar reasons. Hence, whenever she saw him deep in thought, she went to borrow the books she needed and moved to another location.

When he was in the room, he always seemed to be ruminating. He wasn’t merely reading, but also taking notes. Hence, she felt that she shouldn’t interfere.

“Unlike what you expect, I am only thinking about trivial things.”

Despite saying that, he must be studying matters that’d be beneficial to his country and experimenting with various things through trial and error.

“You are quite skilled at covering things up, aren’t you?”

“I learned so that my servants wouldn’t complain. You might be reaching that conclusion because you are projecting yourself onto me.”

“Aren’t you overestimating me?”

“No? Not at all?”

He gave her a taunting look.

“At least I can assure you that I’m not blind like the people in this country.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. She saw the glint of amusement in his eyes, and then dropped her gaze.

I wonder why?

An incomprehensible feeling spread through her chest. She was surprised by the words she had never expected, relieved when they were confirmed, yet remained doubtful as to what his intentions were. Various other thoughts swirled around in her mind.

Nevertheless, she definitely felt a rush of excitement and embarrassment.

It made her fidget and restless.

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***T/N: It’s like seeing Princess Marie Antoinette from this story having a do-over and doing it right this time around!

P.S: Andrain, isn’t it funny that the topic is also similar?!

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