The Despised Lady Wishes to be Loved Translation

Extra 6.1 The Regrets of Another Male Student

  • The perspective of a male student who realized the truth somewhat earlier than the male student from the previous chapter

Lithia Album was truly fortunate.

She was only 6-years-old when the prince of this kingdom took notice of her. During the decade that followed, he dedicated his affection to her.

The only problem was that the prince was rather dishonest, while Lithia was too oblivious to recognize his feelings.

Nevertheless, everyone knew.

Although she seemed a tad unhappy now, Lithia was actually the happiest person in the kingdom.


“…I wonder about that.”

“Huh? What’s wrong, David? What are you mumbling about?”

“Is it true that the prince conspired to have Ms. Album take the wind magic exam? That’s his plan to win her over?”

After the last lecture in the morning, it was time for lunch.

Although his friends were laughing, David was deep in thought.

“What do you mean, ‘conspired to have’? That’s harsh. It’s not like His Highness wants her to repeat a year.”

“True, and if Ms. Album musters up the courage to ask His Highness for help, then it won’t just be her exam, but their romance will also be smooth-sailing.”

It all started with what the teacher said in the wind magic lecture. Three days later—today—they were told to decide whether they’d take the practical exam or the written test. However, a special rule was added: ‘Lithia Album had to take the practical exam.’

“But it’s not like Ms. Album is aware of the truth either? She must be terrified thinking she’s really going to repeat a year. I saw how pale she was.”

David was unconvinced while his friends exchanged glances, wondering what he was on about.

“Like I said, it’s a plan to get her to rely on His Highness? Besides, the teacher especially stated that she should find someone who’s expert at wind magic to help her.”

“The teacher also added that His Highness was the best wind magic user in the academy, something that everyone already knows. The set-up was too obvious, I almost burst out laughing.”

Classes on the four major magic elements—wind, earth, water, and fire—were fairly important for moving up at the Forrent Academy. Failing one wouldn’t necessarily cause someone to repeat a grade, but it was certainly risky.

“But what if she didn’t realize it? She’d think that she’s in danger of repeating a year, and end up practicing all alone… Even if it’s only three days, it wouldn’t be strange if she falls sick because of overexertion.”

“Oh, right, this is the oblivious Fairy Princess we’re talking about. Somehow, I don’t doubt she’ll overlook such a blatant set-up.”

“I mean, if the dense princess were a bit sharper, she wouldn’t have been so stubborn in the first place, haha!”

His friends laughed in amusement, but to David, it was no laughing matter.

“I don’t think repeating a year is something to laugh about, even if it’s for the sake of His Highness’ love. Think about it, just how worried must Ms. Album be right now?”

“David, don’t you mean for the sake of His Highness and the Fairy Princess’ Love? This is also for her sake!”

“That’s right, if the Fairy Princess decides to rely on His Highness, everything’ll be resolved.”

Under normal circumstances, David would’ve relented.

The words and deeds of the first prince, Andrew, seemed to torment Lithia Album. But to them, it was simply a means to an end. Once Lithia discovered his love, she’d find her greatest happiness as a woman.

David was convinced of it. Or rather, he had convinced himself.

“…Sorry. I don’t think I’d be able to fall in love with someone who tried to make me to repeat a year.”

But that time, he couldn’t let the matter rest.

Once, David failed an exam in fire magic—an element he wasn’t compatible with—and was in danger of having to repeat a year. At that time, he only managed to pass due to a bunch of supplementary lessons and exams. As a matter of course, he didn’t want to experience that ever again.

Imagining that Lithia Album was as desperate as he was back then, he couldn’t support the prince’s “clumsy” love.

“Huh? What are you trying to say? Do you think Ms. Album will despise His Highness because of this incident?”

“The other party is that oblivious princess, you know? Even if she does notice, wouldn’t she at least be happy to know that he wanted her that much?”

…In the first place, does Lithia even favor Prince Andrew?

Before, he would have simply answered with, ‘There isn’t a single woman who doesn’t like the prince.’ Now that his doubts appeared, he no longer could.

“Hey, are you going to get in the way of their love? C’mon, as if that daft commoner hasn’t caused enough troubles!”

So what if the other party is a prince?

He called her white hair unsightly. He shamed the color of her eyes, saying that it was a lowly color of a nouveau riche. Not to mention, he was escorting his fiancée candidates, who both laughed at her.

Why did David interpret that as clumsiness and dishonesty on the prince’s part? Just how did he come to interpret that as a prelude to their love, or even assume that Lithia Album reciprocated those feelings?

“Open your eyes, David. Isn’t this just the beginning of the misunderstanding between those two? Let’s support them until the end.


But even with that realization, he couldn’t convince the one friend in front of him.

A friend sporting a pitiful look on his face—Harrison Baldwin, tapped him on the shoulder, and David only dejectedly drooped his head.

***T/N: Lmfao, eyy Harrison, there you are m8

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