The Villainess who Only Had 100 Days to Live Had Fun Every Day ZCompleted Translations

Extra 2: God was Watching, “I Don’t Have Time to Talk with His Highness”

—She had 89 days left.

“Hmm… This isn’t working.”

Seriously, what is she doing on such a fine day?

Today as well, on lunch break a young lady named Lelouche Elcage was swinging her sword while glancing to the side at the boys who were also practicing on the training ground.

Let’s see, it’s been about a week?

Despite having her hands full with that thieving cat, she seemed to have bought a sword. To avoid making a scene, Lelouche threw a lump of sum with a graceful smile at the stern innkeeper. “Would you sell me a nice sword that even I can handle?”

I wonder if her heart is truly made of steel?

After all, despite receiving weird stares, she single-mindedly focused on her sword training. Then, after she made a brazen display of swinging her sword, a boy slowly approached her. However, she didn’t realize it. The boy unsheathed his own sword, and lunged at Lelouche. Naturally, she couldn’t withstand the impact, and as a result, she dropped her sword.

She groaned softly while holding her wrist. She must’ve been hurt.

“…I don’t think you have enough strength, Lelouche—especially with your grip. If you can’t endure a shock like that, it’s over for you.”

“…Your Highness Zafield?”

The one who gave Lelouche a stern reproach was none other than Prince Zafield Lewis Lapisenta. Ooh, her fiancé’s (LOL) younger brother… Would Lelouche and Zafield become siblings in the future? They appeared to be childhood friends.

Although, he gave me an impression that he was flirting with her. Maybe he was.

Then, he mercilessly told Lelouche.

“I know you had a fight with my brother a while ago… but why don’t you just stop? If you want to exercise, dancing should suffice, right?”

“No, I want to become stronger.”

This second prince.

He had a rather dangerous inclination. Although, maybe that wasn’t the right word, but yandere was a type of inclination, right? If not for that, he’d have made for a good candidate. However, considering that they’d only be spending a limited amount of time together, he might be perfect.

Personally, I couldn’t understand why he’d have a complex towards his older brother. Although the first prince might be kind, I didn’t think he could stay that way forever. After all, he was going to lead the people, right? If he remained as he was—kind-hearted—he’d definitely get stuck somewhere or lose his most precious thing. Although, maybe that might teach him something.

Hence why, the second prince should focus on himself more. Besides, it wasn’t like he came short. He was athletic, and for better or worse, had a vast array of connections. Moreover, he was good-looking, and knew how to take advantage of it. Those were some advantages that other people wanted but rarely got.

If he focused on self-development, he could probably be happier.

Well, it wasn’t my place to say that for I was only a spectator. Besides, if it were that easy, no one would suffer…

Amidst my contemplation, the second prince took Lelouche’s hand. Her hands were blistered from all the training.

“…Uh-oh, the skin on your hand has peeled away. Doesn’t it hurt?”

“It does hurt…”

“Ahaha, but you still want to continue?”

Wow… As expected of the flirt. He’s good. He used that as an opportunity to touch his crush…

I didn’t know if this is the right timing, but I seem to recall the term for it—God Complex.

However, as expected—or as I expected—from Lelouche Elcage, she was wholly unfazed.

“Yes, of course.”

“Then, shall I teach you?”

“Come again?”

Because I was still a god, I knew this moment was the supposed a heartthrob (tokimeki) moment.

“Since it can’t be helped, let me teach you the basics of the sword. Although, it might be spartan.”

“—I, is that alright…?”

…Wait, Lelouche, your heart fluttered at the mention of spartan training?

Then, the second prince entwined his fingers around her ponytail.

“…More importantly, let’s stop training in public? After all, everyone finds Lelouche’s white nape… tempting.


Ah, her reaction upon hearing that is adorable.

My heart was beating rapidly. It must’ve been because she was finally acting her age and showing her girlish side.

That must be it.


That night… Well, there was no way I could stay silent.

I was worried, so I went to see her in the pure white dream world.

“Oh, if it isn’t you, god. I’m glad you’ve come to see me tonight.”

“…Are you being sarcastic because I come visit you every day?”

“No way, I’m really happy?”

I can’t help but assume that she was being sarcastic.

After all, for more than a week now, I had visited her dreams without fail.

I don’t know, but is it creepy? A man who isn’t even her lover comes to visit her every night… Realistically speaking, it IS creepy.

Is it no good? Is it? It really is, right!?

…In some worlds, they are called stalkers. I’m sorry for being such a creep!

In spite of my thoughts, she chuckled as usual. Then, I asked her.

“So, what kind of sermon did you receive today?”


“When you started practicing swordsmanship, everyone suddenly became noisy, didn’t they?”


Wasn’t it obvious?

An adorable teenage girl was practicing swordsmanship, even though the world was at peace, and there was no war in sight. In short, she didn’t need to. Moreover, she had 89 days left to live. Why’d she begin now?

“Hey, are you really going to continue practicing?”

“Of course.”

“For an amateur, and not to mention a woman, to train for only 100 days…you won’t be able to defeat those assassins. They’re professionals. You can’t protect that man.”

“I won’t know unless I try.”

Wow, she answered immediately…

I saw it. I saw how blistered her hands were. After she wrapped them with bandage, the pain seemed to have lessened, but… Whenever she practiced somewhere secluded, she clumsily swung her sword with a expression as if she were about to cry.

It must’ve hurt, right? Even I was pained when I saw it…

I didn’t tell her about her life expectancy so she could torment herself so…

I suddenly blurted it out.

“Why’re you attempting such a pointless endeavor!? Shouldn’t you have more fun!? Isn’t there anything else you want to do!? Don’t you want to go on a trip, eat delicious food, play… to train and pursue education until your final day—are you sane!?”

“…Of course I am.”

“Even if you do that, you can’t change the fact that you’re going to die.”

I shouldn’t have said that.

In the end, it was still her life while I was a mere spectator who could offer her nothing. Towards me, who foolishly went out of the line, she proudly stuck out her chest.

“I’m a stubborn person.”

“…Then have it your way!”

—It’s the worst.

Why did I have to become a god? If I still couldn’t do nothing in the end, what was the point of it all? It was no different from when I was still alive. Just how selfish and shameless was I?

Knowing that, I didn’t feel worthy to face her. I disappeared—I ran away. Yet, she still said those words to me.

“See you tomorrow.”

—With a gentle yet lonely tone.

Hey, that’s foul play.

‘See you tomorrow.’

It was as if she was saying she still wanted to see me despite how shameless I was.

If so, I had no choice but to visit her again tomorrow.

***T/N: This god is 100% extra virgin olive oil.

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