Reincarnating Into a Different World... Ain’t This! Translation

59. The Letter From Kami-sama


I invoke [Toy] on the vacuum cleaner, some dust cloths, and the broom and dustpan to create cleaning specialized puppets.

“Alright, vacuum cleaner, you’re on the first floor. Broom and dustpan, gather the rubbish on the second floor. Dust cloths, half of you will wet wipe and the rest will dry wipe the floor and furniture. Go–!”

The puppets dash off into the house as according to my command.

[Toy] sure is a convenient special ability.

“Now then… is there something on my face?”
“No, there is nothing there, zo.”  (Kuro)
“I see no dirt.”  (Near)

“Really? Then why do you all keep looking at me?”

The class representative alongwith Souji, Akari-san, and Shizuka-san told me they have a lot they want to talk about, so I’m cleaning the place up for when we all gather here, but… Kuro, Shiro, and Near keep staring at me.

“We are simply a bit concerned.”
“A bit concerned?”
Umu, I thought a bit about what we talked about before, but I cannot feel any spiritual energy in the slightest from House Head. Yet despite that, you are using various [techniques] without any difficulty. After discussing this with Shiro and Near, we concluded that you might possess an unknown power different from spiritual power.”

They’ve most likely been staring at me trying to confirm if I use a miracle energy different from spiritual power.

“In truth, I have long since sensed the faint presence of House Head’s power. After fighting the transformation special ability user the other day, I’ve been able to sense it even more strongly. Similarly, Shiro and Near too seem to have been able to faintly feel your power.”
I can’t detect as much as Kuro-san, but I detect it somewhat.”

I see, I was completely unaware of it myself, but if those three get that impression, then I’m probably using a power different from spiritual power. Up until now, I haven’t worried about it since I’ve been using techniques and special abilities without any trouble, but hey, me! This is quite the serious issue here!

“I was observing the moment you used the special ability [Toy] just now. From what I felt, that unknown power seems to have been converted into spiritual power. That is to say, I believe this is a power similar to spiritual power and life force, but… that is all I could understand.”
“So it’s like that? Thanks for looking into this for me. Normally, I should’ve been investigating this myself from the start, but I didn’t pay it any mind in the slightest.”

So many things have been happening that I neglected my own self. Reflect.

“…Yeah, youkai, shikigami, and spirits. All of you guys are mysterious existences too, but if you think about it calmly, I’m just as much a mysterious existence.”

Or rather, aren’t I the most mysterious one?

Miracle energy, which is different from both spiritual power and magic power, is just one of the many mysteries of this body revived by kami-sama.

Kami-sama did say, “Your physical ability shall be strengthened. This one will also improve your ability to learn.” Then he followed up with, “In addition, this one shall grant you a bit of his own’s ability.  Your honorable self should slowly come to understand how it’s used, ya.”

In other words, my [learning ability] is a power I originally had, just strengthened. The ability kami-sama granted me is something else entirely.

My [learning ability] is so powerful that I had forgotten about this until now.

“I’ve become aware of this way too late. My existence is the most fantasy.”
I am of the same opinion. Even over my long life, an existence as mysterious as House Head… No, I feel there was 1 person.”
Eh? There was?”
Umu… I cannot recall. It may be my imagination.”

Is it his imagination, though? If it is, then it can’t be helped, but the world is vast. It wouldn’t be that strange for another person like me to exist. From how kami-sama sounded, various other kami-sama exist too. Japan is said to have 8 million gods, so in the worst case, there could be 8 million others like me. Although, as expected, that can’t be how it is, right?

“Well, I guess it’s fine? Even if we think about it now, we aren’t coming up with an answer, but we’ll figure out the mystery of this miracle energy one day. That’s how I feel.”
“I suppose so, and it doesn’t seem to be endangering your life, either. Let’s take our time and continue observing.”
That’s right.” (Near)
Eh, observing?”

Ultimately, I’m going to end up passing my day with Kuro, Shiro, and Near staring at me all day. They’re more interested in uncovering the truth about miracle energy than they are in me.

“If possible, I’d like for you all to help with the cleaning too, but…”
Mu, excuse me for that. I shall help.”
“UnderstoodI’ll be borrowing the cleaning specialized puppets.”

While I am not particularly bothered being watched, I’ll use the opportunity to have them help with the cleaning.

Shiro utilizes vibrations along with a toothbrush to clean off the grim sticking to the sink’s drain and the gas stove in the blink of an eye. Near connects the cleaning specialized puppets into a network to improve their overall efficiency. They are much more through and faster like this than with my commands. As for Kuro, he sticks to supporting Shiro and Near. He lifts small items through dexterous use of his tail, and occasionally transforms into a shishi to effortlessly pick up large appliances.

As for Rin and Urd, they hate cleaning and escaped under the pretext of going on a walk. They probably either went to play at a nearby park or to Isa-san’s house next door.

“Kuro, what’s wrong?”

All of a sudden, Kuro comes to a stop while turning to stare at the far end of the 2nd floor.

Eh, what is it? I’m getting scared, but…

“This came to my attention some time ago, but there is a strange presence in the storage room at the far end of the 2nd floor. It resembles House Head, but careful examination reveals it to be different… At any rate, I sense something there.”
“You sense something?”

The storage room on the 2nd floor is wide open, so I doubt anyone is hiding in there.

“Just to be on the safe side, would you like to check it after this?”
I have never entered that room, what do you keep inside?”
“Nothing fancy, just normal furniture and appliances I don’t use. Other than that, there’s my oji-chan’s antique collection.”

There are jars, hanging scrolls… some katana. What could it be?

Mu, what is it?”

I just remembered! I have something incredibly important in there. The true identity of this presence might be the cause behind all this.

“Inside the storeroom… hm!?”
“I certainly heard a sound, just now.”
I heard a suspicious sound from something.”

Near and Shiro also come rushing over upon noticing something strange going on.

“It was a perfect blindspot. Thinking about it normally, there is no way it wouldn’t have a special power.”
Mu? What exactly is this ‘that’ you speak of?”

The important object in the storage room, it’s… the letter from kami-sama.

T/N: And this chapter concludes the magic arc.  Good news everyone, I’ve lately become able to go to bed earlier.  This has helped with my translating and should hopefully allow me to get some more out.  This is assuming I don’t fall back to old habits >.>

Also, I totally thought I had uploaded this ages ago, sorry…


<58. A Legit Spirit
60. Dius>