Translation You Must not Die

2: A Country Ignorant of the Battlefield

Before entering the battlefield, I first had to go to the royal palace. As per the instructions, I had to sign an oath as proof that I’d been drafted. Afterwards, I received a tag that served as a means of identification for when I died.

“Hey, isn’t she just a kid?”

In the audience hall, many dignitaries and nobles were gathered. They were probably those who had escaped conscription by either paying up or finding a scapegoat.

“Is Lowenberg so poor that they can’t afford to hire a mercenary? Can they even call themselves a noble family at this point?”

“Oh, stop it. Unlike us, it’s a miserable house.”

Amidst such unpleasantries, I pledged to serve my country.

Did I honestly have to listen to these people before going to war? Didn’t they realize how many lives were sacrificed for their sake?

…Were we risking our lives for these people?

They probably didn’t even consider everyone else as human.

Upon receiving the tag, I set off for the rendezvous point when I heard a voice call me.

A person with light pink hair and blue eyes. In this country, only a single individual had such features.

Sheila Adwaldo Paides. The first princess of the Kingdom of Paides.

If I recalled correctly, she was 16-years-old that year.

The war had a great impact upon our lives. For one, the prices went up as supplies grew scarce. In fact, the store shelves being found empty had become a daily occurrence. In spite of that, the princess wore a luxurious dress, one adorned with many jewels.

The shadow of the war hadn’t reached the palace. Hence they could easily wage war and let it drag on.

An image of impoverished citizens begging for help crossed my mind. I desperately endured the urge to shout at the naïve girl in front of me by clenching my fist.

I didn’t forget the fact that I was a noble lady, and bowed my head.

“You must be Iris Lowenberg.”

“That’s right, Your Highness. I’m honored that you know my identity.”

“My father told me about you. Even though we’re around the same age, you decided to partake in the war. It is quite brave of you.”


It wasn’t like that. I just couldn’t go against the government’s orders. I just couldn’t afford to pay out some cash.

Are you aware of the kinds of orders your father imposed on us? Did he ever think of those who can’t afford it?

“How old are you?”


“…I see.”

With a sympathetic expression, the princess cupped my cheek.

“You’re still a child, but you have to go to war…”

Why are you stating it as if it’s someone else’s business?

Perhaps because it was. No fire would reach this place, nor would gunfire. So maybe, it couldn’t be helped? In the first place, none of this had anything to do with her. After all, her father—along with his entourage—were the one who decided it.

“—That’s right! I’m about to attend a tea party with some of my friends! Would you like to join us? It’s my parting gift for you before you depart.”

“…I’m grateful for your offer, but I’ll have to refuse because I don’t have time.”

“Is that so? What a shame.”

Since she was 16-year-old, she’d soon be making her social debut. Even so, she was still very naïve. It must have been because of her education—her environment. Whether or not it was fortunate of her, I couldn’t say. I just wanted to disappear from her innocent sight as soon as possible.

“What a tragedy, for a noble lady such as yourself to go to war… I wish this tragedy will end soon…”

“…What do you even know about the battlefield?”


“As I can’t waste my time, I’ll have to excuse myself.”

***T/N: Marie Antoinette detected.

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