The Genius ā€œIncompetentā€ Woman Wants to be a Villain ~a Lady who Married in the place of her Stepsister is Unaware of the Doting Dukeā€™s Love Translation

23. The Duke is Even Angrier

ā€”It happened about an hour ago.

Before Dylan, who had finished getting dressed, a letter was presented on a tray.

ā€œDylan, Count Allingham has written you a letter. Itā€™s basically from the house of Avrilā€™s parents.ā€

ā€œI see.ā€

Upon receiving the letter from Chris, Dylan was shocked by its contents.

ā€œ…What is this?ā€

ā€œWhat on earth did they write?ā€

ā€œTheyā€™re reminding us of the preparation money. Chris, you should read the letter as well. At first glance, it seems to be formally written. But without the embellishments, itā€™s nothing more than a continuous rant.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s true, ā€˜Quickly deliver the preparation money.ā€™ ā€˜This isnā€™t like what you promised.ā€™ ā€˜If you canā€™t give us the money, please return our daughter.ā€™ Simply marvelous. Itā€™s their first letter ever since Lady Avril was married, yet thereā€™s no mention of her at all.ā€

 ā€œFor the time being, Iā€™ll clarify the situation with Avril. Chris, you donā€™t have to follow me.ā€


Thus, Dylan left.

Who wouldā€™ve thought that their letter, which was supposed to come off as polite as possible, would instead shed light to the fact that they think of their daughter as a mere object?

ā€”At first, I was skeptical. But Iā€™ve finally found out why Avril behaves so strangely.


Upon seeing the letter, Avril put her hard bread down. She could already tell that its contents were unpleasant. Thus, Avril sighed.

…Did they find the stack of papers I left in the closet for the assistant from the academy?

Before leaving the Count of Allinghamā€™s house, Avril hid the documents thatā€™d be the key to rebuilding the house in an easily identifiable place. The whereabouts of those documents was only known to her personal servant, Keira. Said documents were to be presented to the assistant if the need arose.

Itā€™d indeed be a disaster if either her parents or Corinna were to find them.

…But Iā€™m sure itā€™s alright. After all, neither my father, stepmother, nor Corinna like to read small print.

With that in mind, Avril confirmed the recipient of the letter. Dylanā€™s name was written there. If they had discovered the documents, then the letter wouldā€™ve been addressed to Avril.

Avril smiled in relief. Thankfully, those three werenā€™t that perceptible to small details.

ā€œThen, Lord Dylan, what of this letter?ā€

ā€œAll it says is, ā€˜I want you to deliver the preparation money as soon as possible.ā€™ I donā€™t mind, but I came to confirm Avrilā€™s intention. Didnā€™t you say that youā€™d manage the money by yourself?ā€

ā€œIf so, can you pretend that this letter never arrived?ā€

ā€œOf course. Then letā€™s just say that I never read it.ā€

Oh, my!

Well, that was easy. As Avril contemplated, Dylan took out several documents back to back.

ā€œ…Speaking of which, the academy has sent me a list of excellent assistants to be hired for the Count Allingham house. All of them are excellent and come from solid backgrounds. You donā€™t need to worry, since they can be entrusted with financial matters.ā€

ā€œOh, uhm, thank you…ā€

He went to such an extent…?

Being utterly honest, Avril didnā€™t expect that from Dylan. Not only did he just become the head of the dukeā€™s family at a young age, their marriage was also contractual in nature.

Even though heā€™s already so busy, and yet, for my sake…

ā€œWhat kind of person is Count Allingham?ā€

ā€œ…Letā€™s see, my father is optimistic, to say the least. He always chooses whatā€™s easy and simple for him. Therefore, it was up to me to perform the difficult tasks.ā€

ā€œSo, he delegated his work to you.ā€

Avril failed to notice the wrath in Dylanā€™s eyes.

ā€œFor example, this yearā€™s crop yields were unsatisfactory. The previous yearā€™s drought has taken its toll, and the people are exhausted. However, my father is unaware of it. Against my advice, he wanted to levy the taxes as usual.ā€

ā€œI understand your point. Albeit far from the territory of Allingham, the Lancester territory is going through a similar crisis. Itā€™s inevitable that this year and the next will be difficult.ā€

ā€œ…The same is true for all the servants. I was very surprised that you know the full names of everyone who works here by heart. Itā€™s very important for both parties to know and respect the people to whom they entrust the house. We shouldnā€™t take advantage of the kindness of those whoā€™ve provided their service for generations.ā€


Dylan listened without a word. Due to that, Avril let her true feelings flow out.

ā€œThe Count of Allingham isnā€™t in a healthy state, as evidenced by the fact that I jumped at the offer of marriage. I fear only for all the servants Iā€™ve left behind.ā€

ā€œI understand. Iā€™ll take that into consideration. Youā€™ll be given a separate wing away from the house. You can bring as may servants from your parentā€™s house to work there as you like.ā€


She let out a dumb voice.

ā€œIf you want, I can write each of them a letter of introduction to work at another residence.ā€

ā€œOh, but, Lord Dylan…?ā€

Dylanā€™s offer couldnā€™t have come at a better time.

But how in the world did this come about?

Is Lord Dylan some kind of benevolent god?

ā€œā€”More importantly.ā€

A voice mixed with tension greeted the amazed Avril. In Dylanā€™s hand, her fatherā€™s letter had been crushed.

When she looked at Dylanā€™s face once again, she saw the anger in his sky-blue eyes.

ā€œā€”Avril, who dared call you an incompetent villainess? I wonā€™t forgive them.ā€

***T/N: Oop, dear doting husband is mad.

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